Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Feeling a little blue.

I'm not sure why today in particular, but I'm missing Jack and Bugs a lot. I think some of it is because I'm really pushing Carol to help me figure out a way for Sunshine to be able to start coming inside or at least give him a warm, safe and dry place to go.
We've been feeding him for about 6-8 months now and he definitely calls our home, home. He knocks on the door if we are late feeding him. We are the only ones allowed to pet him. He's not afraid of Redley at all.
I can't help it. Here's a cat who trusts only us. He was on deaths door and chose us. And I understand that Carol is worried about him wrecking stuff the nous a disease or something but there are plenty of ways around them. I've come up with and she still says no. So today I was like "what the hell is your problem? Why won't you let him come in the house or at least help him stay warm and dry?" I got no response. When I got home tonight she said we would.discuss it but we didn't. I'm gonna try again tomorrow. It's supposed to rain again next week and I would feel better if I knew he would be safe, warm, and dry.
Today and yesterday were our first rain storms of the season. I tried to see if she would let him stay in the garage but she said no. I know Bugs and Jack sent him to us cuz they knew we would help. I feel like we are doing them a disservice by not making him part of the family.
I love you and miss you both every day of my life.
your momma.

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