Monday, July 2, 2012

return of the mango pit

After being up til 1am listening to Redley's tummy grumble and gurgle, I finally fell asleep. I had nightmares a few times but then woke up with him still breathing and curled up with me. At 6am, I woke up to go to the bathroom and because I heard him licking his feet. It must be a weird dog thing because Jack used to do that when he didn't feel good either. Next thing I know....up comes the mango pit. Based on size, I'm gonna say the whole thing came up which makes me happy. He did however break it into parts before swallowing which is good to know. I don't know that it would've gone down or up if he hadn't. I think I took how sturdy Jack's stomach was and how much he was able to pass through because of how big he was. Redley is almost 30 pounds lighter than Jack even though over all, size wise, they are about the same. Redley has long legs where Jack was a super muscled pit bull with almost twice the size. Their bodies are/were very different. Anyway, it's out and he seems no worse for wear. He has eaten, played and drank water as normal regardless. I also read this strange article about how to get a mango pit out. I don't know that I would recommend it unless you talk to a vet first but we did the pumpkin part of it to try to get things moving. I attached the link below. Let me know if anyone has first hand experience with this. It would be great for others to know!

What a relief!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

One of those "worst mom ever" moments

Like it wasn't bad enough that Jack swallowed a fish hook when he was five and cost me five grand to fix (good thing my friends and family loved him because I had to borrow and pay it back over a long time), but now Redley went and swallowed a mango pit after I've only had him for two weeks. I put the pit in the garbage can and as I did, somewhere in my mind I said, "I should probably take the garbage out cuz it's kinda full and I don't want him to be tempted." But like an idiot, I didn't do it right that second. I decided it would be okay until I finished my lunch. I hadn't even sat down, all I did was walk into the other room to put my plate down and it was too late. Shit.

He's a big dog and he can pop a tennis ball in about five seconds so I'm hoping he at least broke it into a few parts before swallowing.  I can only hope. He pooped once since then, but obviously the concern is that he won't pass it on his own. He hasn't gone poop that we know of today but he did go out by himself several times so there's no way to be sure. I'm hoping we will have good news by tomorrow. I could just cry. I still hurt every day because I miss Jack so much. I can't take losing another any time soon, and Redley deserves better than me.

Unbelievable. Not sure I can sleep because of guilt, and because I'm so worried and upset. I'm such a dumbass....guess I'm in the dog house now.