Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Bad Rap Rescue Group

I have not been very good about taking steps to help my healing after Jack passed away in January. I have always been so afraid that if I let go of the pain, that it meant letting go of him and I don't want to. The first dog that I got for my 10th birthday from my uncle was the same way. When I lost her, it took 10 years for me to be ready to let another dog into my heart and now I am faced with the same painful situation. I wish that they never had to go. It's not fair. He is/was my best friend. I ache every day to have him back, even though I know that letting him go was the right thing. There wasn't anything medically that I could've done that I didn't and he was suffering. I looked at some pitbull rescue places.....and cried every time. There's one little girl named Possum that broke my heart. She's a part of the Bad Rap rescue program in the San Francisco area. She has the same wise and sweet personality that Jack did. She has recently found a home and I'm so happy for her. I hope it's everything that she ever wanted. There's part of me that had hoped she would wait for me, but I'm not anywhere near ready and I want her to be happy. Anyway, the Bad Rap group is awesome. I am stoked with the work that they do and they have some AMAZING dogs. Pits are the most misunderstood group of dogs out there and yet I know that Jack was the only one that was capable of unconditional love for me. They are emotional dogs, if you love them they will love you back. It's crazy, but they are so intelligent that you almost need to think of them like people. If you love them the way you want to be, they will love you back. If you are mean, you will get back what you dish out. Can you blame them? We don't blame people for sticking up for themselves. If you are a loving, kind person.....check out Bad Rap. They have some lovers that will love you back!
Sorry about the ranting....just trying to at least take some steps toward healing.

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